Many times a woman will jittery weight increased. Lifestyle and genetic factors could be the cause. Here are simple ways to lose weight quickly without torture.

When office workers are most preferred during the lunch hour. This is when they will be away from his desk. According to a recent study that recorded in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, away from the desk and computer at lunch has added value to health.
This study has also been compared, among respondents who ate lunch while playing a computer with respondents who ate no activity. When asked about their feelings after 30 minutes later. The result of respondents who eat without interruption feel full faster.

Fruits like cucumber and watermelon contains a lot of water. You also can eat soup or salad. Water content in these foods keep you fuller for longer though calories gained slightly.
You can prevent eating more if dessert when dining begins with a bowl of vegetable soup. An experimental weight loss was observed. Dieters who drank two cups of water before eating, lost weight more than those who do not drink water.

3. Before imagining food in Eat
I think this is most often done by many people. Not only the type, aroma, taste and portions were imaginable. According to a study, people were given a chocolate bar, the first thing to do is imagine the amount of candy that will be eaten. Having observed them actually eat less than she expected.

As reported by Emily Sohn of Eating Well magazine the July / August 2010. There is no magic pill for weight loss, but only the consumption of a multivitamin every day to help you lose weight.
In a study of 85 obese women respondents in China, given multivitamins. While a healthy diet for six months, the results of respondents lost weight about 3.5 kg. These findings have also been published in the International Journal of Obesity.
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