Nutritionists claim that lemon contains all the necessary elements that break down fat and therefore they facilitate weight loss. Citric acid is in lemons can help you to burn fat, accelerate metabolism and suppress appetite. In addition, lemon peel also contains pectin which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Also, in the fruit of the lemon there are a lot of vitamin C which strengthens the immune system, and is an important factor in the success of your diet.
Overall, the lemon is not good for the diet? This citrus fruit can eliminate toxins, increase metabolism, preventing many diseases, and help you lose weight.
Lemon diet is usually programmed for 14 days, during this program the most important thing you should do is to limit consumption of salt, sugar, junk food, and overeating. Lemon diet program is very simple, you only have to consume lemon juice mixed with water in the morning before breakfast to be exact. To avoid tooth decay due to citric acid, you are required to use the rinse water.
The following details the lemon diet program:
Day 1. Juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 cup of water.
Day 2. Juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 cups of water.
Day 3. Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 cups of water.
Day 4. Juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 cups of water.
Day 5. Juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 cups water.
Day 6. Juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 cups of water.
Day 7. Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of water.
Day 8. Juice of 6 lemons mixed with 6 cups of water.
Day 9. Juice of 5 lemons mixed with 5 cups water.
Day 10. Juice of 4 lemons mixed with 4 cups of water.
Day 11. Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 3 cups of water.
Day 12. Juice of 2 lemons mixed with 2 cups of water.
Day 13. Juice of 1 lemon mixed with 1 cup of water.
Day 14. Juice of 3 lemons mixed with 10 glasses of water.
To provide a sweet taste, you can add a tablespoon of honey. In addition, when getting a prescription over a glass of water, then please eat with installments. This means you can consume water throughout the day.
If you have heartburn and indigestion, lemon diet is not recommended as it will react to your illness. Good luck!
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