Effective Ways to Reduce Your Appetite When You Want to Lose Weight

ALT You Want to Lose Weight
One way to lose weight is to reduce appetite. How diverse, ranging from sports, the consumption of pills and medicines given to the unique way like an ice bath. But until now no one can prove the effectiveness of such methods, there are even a number of ways that it gives negative impact on the body.

But you do not have to worry about, consider the eight exposure appetite way to reduce or delay the return of hunger, but it will not burden your body such as:

1. Eat more fat

May seem contradictory but in fact eat more fat weight loss strategy is smart, as long as you eat is fat 'good'. According to a team of researchers from UC Irvine found that a fatty acid oleik or 'good' can help trigger the small intestine to produce oleoylethanolamide, a compound in charge of sending nerve signals to the brain to reduce hunger.

Good sources include acid oleik nuts, avocados and extra virgin olive oil (olive oil of the highest quality). Moreover fats can also delay the emptying of the stomach so it keeps you fuller longer.

2. Cut food in the form of small
A group of researchers from Arizona State University found that cutting food into small form will encourage greater satiety than eating foods with a large piece despite the same amount of calories.

The conclusion was obtained after a number of participants who were given whole bagel bagel actually starting to consume more and include more calories than the next foods than participants who were treated with the same bagel but it was cut into four pieces. It could also eat foods that have been presented in small forms such as strawberries, grapes, popcorn, nuts and seeds.

3. Sport
In a study from Brazil, researchers found besides burn calories and increase metabolism, exercise can also restore the sensitivity of nerve cells that play a role in the show feeling satisfied that naturally limit the consumption of food. Needless to sports heroics because walking is enough.

Another study from the University of Exeter also found that walking for 15 minutes to avoid snacking habits in work hours by 50 percent.

4. Choose foods with a prominent aroma
Prominent flavorful food can encourage people to consume foods with eating smaller portions. This is evidenced when the number of participants in a study were given the freedom to choose the dessert portion, of it proved almost all participants chose foods with strong aroma 5-10 percent less than other participants.

5. Relying on memory
The team of researchers from the University of Birmingham suggests that how people remember the lunch menu today will affect the portion of snacks containing sugar or salt in the same day. The proof, participants were asked to recall what he ate this afternoon tend to eat fewer snacks that are served to them in unlimited quantities.

6. Breakfast routine
Proven people who like to skip breakfast ate 40 percent more candy, soda but 55 percent consume 45 percent less to eat vegetables and fruit malnutrition by 30 percent. Not only that, people who do not have breakfast before the move also reported 4.5 times more likely to be overweight.

7. Eat slowly
If you are in a hurry or are accustomed to eating on the go, to make it a habit to chew your food slowly. According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, eating too fast will reduce the release of hormones that promote a feeling of fullness that can trigger overeating without consideration.

Another study conducted by the University of Rhode Island also supports this by revealing that people who eat slowly with the number of calories consumed four times less per minute, including feeling satiated with even higher levels of the food consumed fewer portions.

The trick, every insert one bite or one tablespoon in the mouth, take a deep breath and stop eating when you feel full, although probably not clean your plate.

8. Dim the lights and attach to a slow

Dim the lights and put up the songs as an accompaniment to a slow dinner is not only used to create a romantic atmosphere alone. According to a study conducted at Cornell University, this atmosphere also helps to control food portions.

Because the atmosphere is like that, more participants can enjoy food but consume 18 percent less than if the atmosphere is not made like eating it. Remarkably, in this way one can lose weight as much as 4.5 to 9 pounds in a year.

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