6 Causes of Weight Loss Failure

If you been trying to lose weight but still fail as well? Such conditions often experienced virtually by those who are trying to lose weight. Not everyone who has a diet program successfully lose their weight. A lot of things behind the failure, ranging from improper management of information obtained or may not fit.

Many people want to get a slim body with a short way. In fact, to get it all someone needs first permanent lifestyle change, not by way of instant. Here are 6 reasons that might explain the cause of the failure of your diet program.

1. Not getting enough sleep

The poor quality of sleep determines the level of hormones in the body. Someone may feel tired tend to eat unhealthy food. "People who sleep less tend to have excess secretion of the hormone cortisol, so they are more easily stressed. And that will trigger fat storage," he said. Lack of sleep also causes fluctuations in hormones leptin and ghrelin, which can affect whether you feel full or hungry.

2. Running a short-term diet

Diet program without any targets such as limiting the eating habits and behaviors will make your diet plans fail. Diets half tends to make people not focus on long-term change. "Most people want to get results quickly and find an easy way to lose weight, and were concerned to change their habits.

3. Eating at night

"One of the problems with eating at night is that people do not get enough to eat during the day, if you are tired and hungry at night, you will tend to eat anything that you think are bad (like junk food) and consume most of the calories when your metabolism is slowing due to lack of food during the day.

4. One of snack foods

For some people, snacking habits may be good, while others consider it a disaster, but the key to healthy snacking is to try to control cravings and not easily eat a snack just because you feel hungry.

5. Too much to eat

Foods rich in carbohydrates are the primary cause of the obesity epidemic. While some medical experts claim that limiting carbohydrate intake can make people unhealthy. According to the study, the diet everyone should basically low breads, grains and even fruits.

6. Tired of workout routine

Undergo the exact same workout routine every day is difficult and sometimes tedious. If everyone does a different kind of exercise every day of the week, in which each type of exercises focusing on different body parts. Variety of exercises can be done by changing the intensity of the workout or switch from cardio to resistance training workout. This thought is important so you do not get bored. At least do one thing different every day

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