6 Tips on Lossing Weight Fast

ALT 6 Tips on Lossing Weight Fast
Want to lose weight fast? We talked to the nutritionist Marina Capella, who gave six tips to tune jet. Check it out!

To decrease the number of dummy slim fast, just change some habits of everyday life. Marina Capella Di-corp Clinic nutritionist teaches 6 tricks to streamline the silhouette quickly. Check out these tips!

1. Decrease salt intake

In excess, it contributes to fluid retention, which may reflect in numbers in the scales and the appearance of cellulite. Prefer natural spices such as oregano, rosemary, parsley and lemon.

2. Give preference to raw and fresh foods and avoid processed

The more natural richer in the more powerful antioxidants and detoxification of food. Preparations such as juices and salads are good options for consuming raw fruits and vegetables

3. Attention to hydration

Drink 1 liter and a half to two liters of water a day and not consume alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and other industrialized beverages, which are mostly high in sugar or sodium

4. Drink green tea and white tea

These two drinks are sources of catechins poly-phenols that speed up metabolism. Use up to 4 cups a day, away from the main dining

5. During the day give preference to whole grains such as bread, rice and pasta

These foods are excellent sources of energy and, in their full versions, promote satiety more, increase your fiber intake and avoid insulin spikes. "Refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar ferment easily, leaving the bulging stomach and are rapidly converted to glucose, which causes the release of high doses of insulin, the hormone responsible for, among other functions, storing excess glucose in adipose tissue, "says Marina. Therefore, avoid carbs at night. A good choice for dinner is the combination of green salad, steamed vegetables and a lean protein such as chicken or fish, or vegetable soup with lean protein.

6. Stay active and follow the diet even on weekends

No use following the diet during the week and forget all weekend. You might end up regaining all the lost pounds during the week, and thus missing those last few pounds will continue insisting not leave you

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