How to Lose Weight 2,3 Kilogram in a Week

ALT Lose Weight 2 kg in a Week
Do not have ideal body weight or excessive make someone must know how to lose weight 2.3 pounds in a week. Because, with the excess weight, a person will be susceptible to some diseases that harm. A course of diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attacks, arthritis, and others. Obesity or overweight become one of the symptoms that can be seen from various diseases are frightening. Presumably the reason this is the strongest reason to lose weight in addition to the desire to look beautiful and slim body ideal. So how? If you have been doing a lot of ways to to lose weight and failed, changing the way but also not return any results, try to read this article and start with a strong intention that you have to get down to a healthy weight and a healthy way as well. Let's refer to the following reviews to clarify how weight loss of 2.3 pounds for a week without problems.
Here's how to lose weight in a week of 2.3 pounds in a healthy :

Way below the preferred ways that you can apply in everyday life. By the way below, you can go down to 2.3 pounds in a week. This has been evidenced by those who have excess weight.

1. The water consumed in significant amounts If you are happy to consume energy drinks, soft drinks, and other sweet drinks, you need to know that these drinks contain calories. About 100 calories contained in these drinks can you consume and very useless considering you can get calories from the daily diet. If enough from food alone, why do you look for from a drink. In contrast, white water contains no calories, it makes the white water as the best drink to streamline your stomach and make you lose weight. If you want to freshen the water, you can add lemon and mint leaves into it.

2. Eating complex carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates alone are not enough, you need to choose complex carbohydrates to fill your stomach and get daily energy. Complex carbohydrates are usually found in vegetables will keep you full longer and not get hungry. It also would be a smart recipes to lose weight fast for without constraints. From now on, you can replace your fatty foods with complex carbohydrates. You may have a high sense of wanting to eat, but to work around this using a healthy diet, ideal weight is not a mere dream.

3. Cardio exercise 30 minutes Sports is a must if you want to lose weight without any cost in large quantities. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day, exercise will make your heart rate to be good at the same time burn calories in your body. You can train the muscles of your legs and arms specifically to get rid of fat on the thighs and arms. The two sections are usually filled with fat so it sagged.

4. Want to lose weight while drinking coffee? The desire to consume beverages other than water is unavoidable. If you want to consume coffee, eat in the morning. Coffee is part excepted to drink other than plain water. Black coffee calories as 5 calories with skim milk as many as 10 additional calories will you burn easily with activity. This was disclosed by a physician named, Dr. Kilauea. And of course, this is a way to lose weight 2,3 kilogram in a week you can do.

5. What about sex? If you are a married, then do the intimate relationship you are in the top position to burn more calories. Due to this position you will be a lot of physical exertion. A total of 144 calories for 30 minutes can burn with this position according to a study.

6. Do 36 push ups 2 days Do 36 push ups every other day or every day indeed. You can do it morning when waking from sleep or going to sleep. It aims to train the leg muscles and get rid of your belly fat. This exercise is also good for you who want to burn fat in the arm.

7. Enough sleep Do sleep well and comfortably for 7 to 8 hours every day. Sleep is the time where you can rest your mind and your body. Rest in this way is a very important part and can not be abandoned.
8. Eat salmon for lunch Salmon have large amounts of nutrients and very good for you who are trying to lose weight. Eating salmon is one way to lose weight 2.3 pounds in a week you can do. Choose at lunch to eat this food. Well, for a healthy drink menu that shrink the stomach, you can try the green juice of lemon.

9. Squats and sit ups Another exercise you can do to restore the sexiness of your body is squats and sit ups. This technique is mostly done by bodybuilders as regular exercise. You can eliminate your stomach fat this way.

That's nine ways to lose weight 2,3 kilogram in a week you can do at home. Good Luck.

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