Tricks to Lose Weight 3 kg Within 5 days With Celery

Everyone, especially women would want to have a slim body shape and ideal, but because of various factors occurring in our body to make weight becomes excessive and automatically affect the appearance. Most women do not feel confident with body fat or fat because that appears in various ways to lose weight or diet in order to get a slim body within which it was virtually impossible.

If the want to get maximum results, a weight loss program should be done routinely and regularly according to the rules of a diet program that you live. To reduce fat in the body is there are a variety of ways, ranging from taking certain drugs, regular exercise, a diet program or by consuming a well-known natural ingredients.In this article, the admin will share tips on how to lose weight effectively with natural juice recipes.
In this program, we only need three ingredients that is only water, fruit juice, and celery, although the materials used are very simple but the juice is proven to burn excess calories, reducing excess fluid, and can eliminate toxins in the body. Celery in it contains such remarkable anti-oxidant substances were plentiful, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and vitamin C, E and K.
Here's how to lose weight with natural juice recipe:
  • First you prepare a glass of water, a piece of fresh lemon, and one bunch of celery.
  • First of all the sliced ​​celery until soft
  • Furthermore, squeeze the lemon and pour water into a glass of water
  • The last stage, which has been mashed celery enter earlier into the lemon water glass
  • Then stir for a while so all the ingredients are well blended therein.
Here's a video on how to make celery juice. 

To get the maximum results then eat natural juice was routinely and regularly which is 2 times a day during morning and evening, matched also by doing exercise, and eat healthy, as good as any diet program that we run if we eat unhealthy foods, high in fat and calories then our diet efforts will be in vain.Maybe these tips can be practiced so that a weight loss program you can run well. If normally, your diet program with drugs, not wrong to try the diet naturally this time, may be useful for all readers.


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