To lose
weight all you need to do is make sure you burn more calories than you consume.
To lose 0.5kg a week you simply need to make sure that each day you burn 500
calories more than you consume. So if your weight is stable and you want to
lose 0.5kg a week you need reduce your calorie intake or increase calorie
expenditure to the tune of 500 calories a day. This may seem like a lot however
there are so many easy things we can do to achieve this.
Did you know
that a 600ml bottle of coke has 285 Calories in it? Or that a slice of
chocolate mud cake has 390 Calories? That means if the only changes you made to
your daily diet was to cut out your bottle of coke and cake you would lose over
0.5kg a week. At the bottom of the article is a list of commonly eaten foods
and drinks and some better alternatives to help lose weight. All you need to do
is look at the foods you eat each day and then find a healthier substitute.
Simply make sure your changes are more than 500 calories and this will ensure
weight loss of more than 0.5kg a week.
Here are
some possible changes to lose more than 0.5kg a week :
Weight loss first
- Glass of water instead of juice in the morning: 123 Cal savings
- Replace butter with extra light margarine: 49 Cal savings
- Fat free yoghurt instead of full cream: 82 Cal savings
- 20 minute jog: 210 Cal savings
- No sugar in coffee & low fat milk: 50 Cal savings
Total: 514
Cal savings
Weight loss second
- One glass of wine instead of two over dinner: 135 Cal savings
- Portion size reduction for dinner: 160 Cal savings
- No biscuit with coffee: 190 Cal savings
- Light margarine instead of normal margarine: 37 Cal savings
Weight loss third
- Water instead of soft drink: 170 Cal savings
- 1 hour walk: 240 Cal savings
- Low fat muffin instead of cake slice: 120 Cal savings
Total: 530
Cal savings
Weight loss
fourth change :
- Vegetable snack instead of packaged chips: 250 Cal savings
- Muesli bar instead of chocolate bar: 160 Cal savings
- Lean ham instead of salami on sandwich: 150 Cal savings
Total: 560
Cal savings
You can make
any number of different changes. The idea of this article is to provoke thought
about making healthy substitutes to your diet and lifestyle to assist weight
loss. It is important to understand what is in all the foods you eat